Tendrish app
Large free-lance project
Tendrish is an app where users have a meal plan with in-house recipes designed by nutritionists. The meal plan can be customized by users. Recipe's ingredients are added to a grocery list.
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Tendrish is a multi-app echosystem, in which nutritionists use a dashboard and users use this app. This project allows users to have a fully customizable meal plan, which means that they can change any recipe in their meal plan according to their needs. All recipes include its nutritional information. All recipe's ingredients are automatically added to a grocery list. Users can search for recipes in a simple seach by name, or a complex search, which searches by ingredients to include, exclude, tags and name. Users are able to schedule appointments with nutritionists via the app. Users can create family plans to allow their relatives to look at and edit their meal plan. And much more features!
Development process
Tools used
Team behind the project
Cloud functions
React native
This is a multi-platform app (works for Android, iOS and the web). The front-end was fully developed using react native with Expo-cli and EAS. It was programmed in JavaScript, but later I migrated it to TypeScript to improve scalability. The backend stores the data in Firebase Firestore, stores the files in Firebase storage and the logic is an API made with Firebase Cloud Functions in a NodeJS environment.
Do you have a suggestion to improve this project?
Let me know it!Principal features
home screen
Tendrish home screen works as a "discover" page, where users are shown random seassonal recipes that can be added to their meal plan. This means that if their meal plan is vegetarian, then the homescreen only displays vegetarian recipes.
Simple search
If users click the search button in the home's header, they will navigate to this screen. In a simple search, users can search recipes by name.
More Search filters
With more search filters users can select tags, ingredients to include and ingredients to exclude. For example, if you want to cook something baked that uses apple but you hate bananas, you can select the "baked" tag, include apple and exclude banana in your search!
Once users press in any recipe in any part of the app, they will navigate to this screen. Here, users can read the recipe's ingredients (where quantities variate according to the selected number of servings), the preparation and cooking instructions, like it, dislike it, and much more!
Nutritional values
Not sure about how healthy a recipe is? No problem! You can view any recipe's nutritional information.
Meal plan
The app's most important screen. Here, users can look at their meal plan in any date! Press a recipe to look at it, press options to remove or change it, or click an empty space to add a recipe!
Change/add recipes
Didn't like a recipe in the meal plan? Change it! Once users choose to change or add a recipe, they will navigate to this screen, where they will only find recipes that can be exchanged by the one they selected. That means, for example, that they cannot have a snack recipe as a breakfast.
Grocery list
Once the user's meal plan is ready, all the ingredients in a date range will be added to a grocery list, to make it eassier for yhem to buy them!
Thought that was all? There's much more to Tendrish! In this screen, users can select more specific functions and screens.
Tendrish users can personalize their profile adding their information. This data is only shown between members of a family plan and to Tendrish nutritionists in the dashboard.
Schedule appointment
In this screen, premium users can schedule an appointment with a Tendrish nutritionist. In the appointment, the nutritionist will ask questions to customize the user's meal plan according to their specific needs.
Liked recipes
Everyone has their favorite recipes. In this screen, users can access their liked recipes and add them to their meal plan easily!
Ingredient exchanges
Are you having problems to find an ingredient, or don't like it at all? This screen displays the ingredient's equivalence to other ingredients of the same category. This allow users to have the same nutritional value in their recipe plan, but with different ingredients.
Familiar plan
Sometimes, cooking is a team work. In Tendrish, users can create a family plan where all the family members share the same meal plan and grocery list!
Everyone has specific needs! In this screen, users can customize their meal plan easily and fast. They can choose the type (vegetarian, without red meat, without sea-food, etc.), exclude ingredients, and many more settings. This screen also includes language and plan settings
And much more!
Tendrish is a pretty big app. This features are the most prominent. The app has many more screens, features and surprises for all it's users!
If you made it this far, I assume you are probably interested in this project. I hoped you liked it! If you did, don't doubt in contacting me to build something similar, I would be happy to hear your idea and develop it!
Let's do it!