
Large free-lance project

This is a mass polling app, where users can create polls (surveys) and watch the results live while it is being answered by other users. Or, users can just answer other user's polls and get paid for it.

Want to build something similar?

Let's get to it!


Poleo is a mass polling app intended to serve goverments, big and small companies or any individual that wants to know the public opinion about a topic. Once a poll is created, the creator pays a fee (depending on the number of questions and users to answer it). Most of the fee is used to pay users to answer the poll, that way users stay incentivized to keep answering more and more polls.

Development process

Tools used


Team behind the project



Cloud functions


React native



This is a multi-platform app (works for Android, iOS and the web). The front-end was fully developed using react native with Expo-cli and EAS. It was programmed in JavaScript. The backend stores the data in Firebase Firestore, stores the files in firebase storage and the logic is an API made with Firebase Cloud Functions in a NodeJS environment.

Do you have a suggestion to improve this project?

Let me know it!

Principal features

Home screen

Once users enter the app, they are shown all the available polls that they can answer. This way, it is easier for users to just start answering polls if they have a few minutes free. Each poll has the name and photo of the creator, the estimated time that will take users to answer it and the ammount of money that they will get if they answer it.

Answer a poll

Once users press in any available poll, they navigate to the poll screen, were they answer each question and get paid at the end. Questions are always multi-choice, they are never open questions to ensure that they can be answered faster and the results can be quantified.

Image question

Question's options can be text or images. This is how an image question looks like!


When users answer polls, they get paid. This screen allows them to know their current balance, a graph that measures their performance and the total ammount that they have earned. Additionally, users can view the last polls that they answered.


Users can withdraw their money anytime, by the method they preffer. This feature has not been impementet yet, but I included it to make the idea clear.

My polls

If users created polls in the past, they can view them in this screen. They are separated between the ones that are still being answered and the ones that are done. If users want to create a poll, they can press the create poll button at the right top of the screen.

Create poll

This screen allows users to create polls. They enter the title, the number of users that will answer it (which affects the price of the poll) and a few additional settings. Then they start entering the questions, where its options can be text or images. If you want to make sure that only certain type of users answer the poll, then enter a filter question, which will kick out all users that selected an option that was not the correct one. Once the poll is finished, the user presses the 'next' button to pay for it, and that's it!


Poleo is a pretty straight-forward app. However, this screen displays all additional screens and options like edditing the profile and entering payment methods.


If you made it this far, I assume you are probably interested in this project. I hoped you liked it! If you did, don't doubt in contacting me to build something similar, I would be happy to hear your idea and develop it!

Let's do it!